Huge security issue as Larry the Downing St. cat shelters under Donald Trump’s limo ‘’the Beast’ & refuses to move.
在卡梅隆時代被收養,到梅翠珊和現任首相約翰遜,Larry在今年2月已任職十年。他更「霸氣」地出tweet表示:「重要的是,只有我才是永久地住在這裡的主人,那些政客只是在被解僱前短暫地和我住一起的過客」(The key thing to remember is that I live here permanently, the politicians just lodge with me for a bit until they’re fired. They all work out sooner or later that it’s me that runs the place...)
The key thing to remember is that I live here permanently, the politicians just lodge with me for a bit until they’re fired. They all work out sooner or later that it’s me that runs the place...